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MGBC Church-Wide Picnic

When: Sunday – September 3rd – Following the mornng service (1:00 PM)

Where: Blue Angel Rec Park

Details: Below

Church-Wide Picnic

Sunday, September 3rd  @ 1:00pm

Blue Angel Naval Recreation Park

(Maps are available on the Deacon’s Counter in the foyer)

The menu includes hamburgers and hot dogs with drinks and all the trimmings.

The cost is $10.00 per adult and $8.00 for child, ages 5 to 12 years old

The park entrance fee has been paid.

Please pay in advance by either giving your reservation form and money to Cami Simmons

 using on-line giving (CHURCH PICNIC)

or by placing it in the offering plate.

Checks need to be made payable to MGBC. (Write PICNIC on the memo line.)


VOLUNTEERS are needed before and after the picnic to clean up.

Contact Barbara Kemble to volunteer.