Sermons/Services 2024-09-03T06:20:57-05:00
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Click either graphic above to go to our podcast page or our YouTube Channel

Listed below are either YouTube or Vimeo files

Unless otherwise indicated the messages are delivered by our pastor, Dr. Josh Morea

426 subscribers to our YouTube Channel – 919+ videos and 264+ audio podcasts online as of 09.01.2024

09 01 2025 “Show Me Your Glory”


08 25 2024 “When His Glory Falls”

08 18 2024 Rev Corey Webb brought the message: “Making Disciples Who Make Disciples”

08 11 2024 His Name is Wonderful – “Jesus”

08 04 2024 His Name is Wonderful – “Adonai”


07 28 2024 “His Name is Wonderful – Jehovah Jireh

07 21 2024 “His Name is Wonderful – Jehovah Sabaoth”

07 14 2024 “His Name is Wonderful: Yahweh”

07 07 2024 “His Name is Wonderful – Elohim


06 30 2024 MGBC Guest Speaker – Bro. Ray Winstead – “Hiding Behind John – A Reboot”

06 23 2024 MGBC “The Pathway of Discipleship: Service”

06 16 2024 MGBC “The Pathway of Discipleship: Surrender”

06 09 2024 MGBC “The Pathway of Discipleship: Sanctification “

06 02 2024 MGBC “The Pathway of Discipleship: Salvation”


05 26 2024 “The Pathway of Discipleship: Seeking”

05 19 2024 “The Resurrection and the Life”

05 12 2024 “I Was Blind But Now I See”

05 05 2024 – “Lord of the Sea”


04 -28 -2024 “More Than Enough”

04 21 2024 “Do You Want to be Healed”

04 14 2024 “Seven Signs of Jesus – Jesus Sees”

04 07 2024 “Seven Signs of Jesus”


03 31 2024 “Risen Forever”

03 29 2024 Good Friday “Pierced for Our Transgressions”

03 24 2024 “Man of Sorrows”

03 17 2024 Guest Speaker Byron Paulus, Director of OneCry

03 10 2024 “Build The House”

03 03 2024 “Not One Thing”


02 25 2024 “After This”

02 18 2024 “One Glimpse of God”

02 11 2024 “The Wounding Words of a Well-Meaning Friend”

02 04 2024 “The Dark Night of the Soul”


01 28 2024 “Being a True Friend”

01 21 2024 “The Bearer of Bad News”

01 14 2024 “The Problem of Suffering”

01 07 2024 “State of our Church


12 31 23 “Our King”

12 24 23 “Savior of the World”

12 17 23 “Our Redeemer”

12 10 2023 “Prince of Peace”

12 03 2023 “What Child is This?”


11 26 2023 “God With Us”

11 19 2023 “Children of God”

11 12 0223 “That You May Know: 5 Tests of Faith” 

11 05 2023 “How Persecution Helped Paul Reach All of Asia” – Rev. Greg Bruckert Guest Speaker


10 29 2023 “The Meaning of the Lord’s Supper”

10 22 2023 “The Meaning of Baptism”

10 15 2023 “In the House”

10 08 2023 “God in Our Image”

10 01 2023 “Flee Idolatry”


09 24 2023 “Lest You Fall”

09 17 2023 “A Cry for Revival: Living Revived”

09 10 2023 Guest Speaker – Rev David Shofner PM

09 10 2023 Guest Speaker – Rev Oliver Cagle

09 03 23 “A Cry for Revival – Part II”


08 27 2023 “A Cry for Revival – Part I”

08 20 2023 Spiritual Warfare: “The Battle of the Mind”

08 13 2023 “Spiritual War: The Day of Evil”

08 06 2023 “Spiritual War: Our Enemy”


07 30 2023 “Back to the Bible” Nehemiah 8:1-18

07 23 2023 No Sermon Streamed or Archived

07 16 2023 “Restoration: Facing Opposition”

07 09 2023 “Restoration: Build the Wall”

07 02 2023 “Restoration: Exercising Influence”


06 25 2023 “Restoration: Broken Pieces”

06 18 2023 Guest Speaker – Dr. Jamie Dew

06 11 2023 “As In the Days of Noah: Cofession”

06 04 2023 “As In the Days of Noah: Covenant”


05 28 2023 “As in the Days of Noah: Flood”

05 21 2023 “As In the Days of Noah: Corruption”
05 14 2023 “What’s My Gift?”
05 07 2023 “What’s My Calling”


04 30 2023 “He is Returning”

04 23 2023 Guest Speaker Rev Ron Lentine

04 16 2023 “He Is Reigning”
04 09 2023 “He is Risen”
04 02 2023: “Love Like Jesus – A New Commandment”


03 26 “Love Like Jesus – A Loyal Friend”

03 19 2023 “Love Like Jesus”

03 12 2023 “Church UP – The Lukewarm Church”

03 05 2023 “Church UP – The Ready Church”


02 26 2023 “Church UP – The Sleeping Church”

02 19 2023 “Church Up – The Dying Church”

02 12 2023 “Church Up: The Worldly Church”

02 05 2023 “Church up: The Suffering Church


01 29 2023 ” Church Up – The Loveless Church”

01 22 2023 “Fruitful: Abide Forever”

01 15 2023 “Fruitful: Abide in My Love”

01 08 2023 “Fruitful: Abide in Me”

01 01 2023 “A Church With Clear Vision


12 25 2002 “You Are the Light of the World”

12 18 2022 “Our Prince of Peace”

12 11 2022 “Good News of Great Joy”

12-04-2022 “Repent and Believe”


11 27 2022 “Hope Has a Name”

11 20 2022  “A Heart of Hospitality” 

11 13 2022 Guest Speaker Rev Larry Westman

11 06 2022 “Blessed Are the Persecuted”


10 30 2022 Principles of Giving

10 23 2022 “Thanks-Living: A Pattern of Giving”

10 16 2022 “Thanks-Living: The One Who Owns Everything”

10 09 2022 Made In His Image: One Flesh

10 02 2022 “An Excellent Woman” – Dr. Josh Morea


09 25 2022 “Act Like Men”

09 18 2022 “Made in His Image – The Great Deception”

09 11 2022 “Gods Hall of Heroes” Guest Speaker Rev Ron Lentine

09 04 2022 “Whosoever Believes”


08 28 2022 Words of Eternal Life: “You Lack One Thing”

08 21 2022 Words of Eternal Life – “Living Water”

08 14 2022 “Words of Eternal Life – Born Again”

08 07 2022 “Words of Eternal Life”

07 31 2022 Guest Speaker: Jacob Garteiser

07 24 2022 “Made New”

07 17 2022 “Contend for the Faith” Part 2 

07 10 2022 “Contend for the Faith” Part 1

07 03 2022 Back to the Bible “Weatherproof Your Life”

06 26 2022 Back to the Bible “Life Change”

06 19 2022 “Our Authority” Back to the Bible

06 12 2022 “Back to the Bible: God’s Word”

06 05 2022 “House Rules: The Churches’ Money” I Timothy 6

05 29 2022 ”House Rules: The Churches’ Ministry – Part II” I Timothy 5:1 – 6:2

05 22 2022 ”House Rules: The Churches’ Ministry – Part I” I Timothy 5:1 – 6:

05 15 2022 MGBC “House Rules: The Church’s Management” Dr. Josh Morea

05 08 2022 “House Rules – “The Church’s Members” 

05 01 2022 “House Rules”

04 24 2022 92nd Anniversary – Guest Speaker Dr. Jamie Dew

04 17 2022 “Once and for All”

04 10 2022 “The Glory Returns”

04 03 2022 “Celebrate His Presence

03 27 2022 “The Glory Has Departed”

03 20 2022        “Walls Will Fall”            

03 13 2022 “Crossing The Jordan”

03 06 2022   “Through the Desert”       

02 27 2022 “The Ark of the Covenant: What Ark?”

02 20 2022 “The Cheerful Giver”

02 13 2022 “The Great Commission”

02 06 2022  “The Greatest Commandment”

01 30 2022     “Shout the Victory” 

01 23 2022  “What’s Coming to You”

01 16 2022  “This Is Your Moment” 

01 09 2022  ”Unsung Heroes”

01 02 2022 “The Invisible Hand of God”

12 26 2021 “The Day After Christmas” – Rev Chris Larsen

12 19 2021 “The Nunc Dimittis”

12 12 2021 “The Benedictus of Zachariah

12 05 2021 “The Magnificat of Mary”

11 28 2021 “The Beatitude of Elizabeth”
11 21 2021 “Make the Most of Every Opportunity”
11 14 2021 “Coming Soon”
11 07 2021 “You’re Invited”
10 31 2021 “A Place for Rejects”
10 24 2021 “A New Economy”
10 17 2021 “A Place of Forgiveness”
10 10 2021 “A Great Treasure”
10 03 2021 “Small Beginnings”

07 25 2021 “Holy Ground” Isaiah 6:1-8

07 18 2021  “The God of Angel Armies” 2 Kings 6:15-23 

07 11 2021 – “Be Ready”

07 04 2021 – “Come Clean”

06 27 2021 – A Man After God’s Own Heart: “Surrender Your All”

06 20 2021 – A Man After God’s Own Heart – “Love Like God” 1 Samuel 18:1-5

06 13 2021 A Man After “God’s Own Heart – “Face Your Giant” 1 Samuel 17:45-47

06 06 2021 A Man After God’s Own Heart Message   Examine Your Heart” 1 Samuel 16 1:13

05 30 2021 A Man After God’s Own Heart Message    “Deal With Your Dark Side”      1 Samuel 15

05 23 2021 “By the Sea”

05 23 2019 Praise & Worship including Baptism

05 19 2021 Mid-Week Bible Study – Dr Josh Morea

05 16 2021 “The Word Connection”

05 09 2021 – “God’s Blueprint for the Home”

05 02 2021 “Locked Inside” – part of the Close Encounters with Jesus series

04 25 2021 MGBC – 91st Anniversary

04 18 2021 “On the Road”

04 11 2021 “Close Encounters With Jesus – In the Garden”

04 04 2021 “Jesus is Better Than…. Aaron

03 28 2021 “Jesus is Better Than……Moses

03 21 2021 “Jesus is Better . . . than the Angels” Hebrews 1:1-14

3 14 2021 Discipleship – Guest speaker – Jacob Gartesier

03 07 2021 “Feasting during Famine” – Genesis 47-48

02 28 2021 MGBC – “Forgotten But Not Forgiving”

2.21.2021 “From the Bottom to the Top” Genesis 40:1-41:45

2 14 2021 – “How to Have Success in Any Circumstance” Genesis 39

2 7 2021 “Dream Big” Genesis 37:1-36

1 31 2021 “Words of Worship: SHABACH”      Psalm 63

1 24 2021 “Divine Resources for Life’s Difficulties” Psalm 46 – Guest Speaker Rev Larry Westman

1 17 2021 “Life is Precious” – Guest Speaker Rev Larry Westman

1 10 2021 “Life is Sacred”   1 Thess. 4:1-8

1 03 2021 “2021 on Purpose” Acts 8:1-8


12 27 2020 Rev Chris Larsen & Testimonies

12 24 2020 – Christmas Eve Service

12 20 2020 “Good News of Great Joy”

12 13 2020 “The King is Born” & Pastor Josh’s Closing Comments

12 06 2020 “Don’t Miss Christ this Christmas” Luke 1:5-23

11 29 2020 Guest Speaker – Rev Chris Larsen – Luke Chapter 1

11 22 2020 “BARAK – The Posture of Praise” Psalm 103

11 15 2020 “TOWDAH – The Sacrifice of Praise” Psalm 50

11 08 2020 “ZAMAR:  The Melody of Praise” Psalm 144

11 01 2020 “Words of Worship:  HALAL – The Fools of Praise” Psalm 150

10 25 2020 YADAH – The Hands of Praise Psalm 67

10-18-25 “The Song of Moses” Exodus 15:1-21

10-11-2020 – No YouTube or Facebook streaming of this service

10 04 2020 “God Will Make a Way” – Exodus 14:1-31

09 27 2020 “When I See the Blood” Exodus 12: 21-28

09 20 2020 Mark Chapter 4

09 13 2020 Out of Egypt – A Hard Heart – Exodus 7: 1-13

09 06 2020 Out of Egypt – “Burdens Are Lifted” Exodus 6:1-13

Direct Link to our MGBC YouTube Channel  

The above link will bring to our YouTube Channel.  Click the “playlist” tab to view various files by dates such as Jan-March 2019; Oct-Dec 2018 and so on.  The

Archive tab has many old files going back nearly 20 years.  Please consider subscribing to the channel.  Find a broken link?  Please let us know.

Files other than sermons – click

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